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2020 SIMPLY B1 PET for Schools Practice Tests - Student's Book
Key Features :
․8 complete B1 Preliminary (PET) for Schools Practice Tests. The first Practice Test comes with practical and useful Exam Tips
․The full colour Exam Guide provides analytical and step-by-step advice on how to tackle each of the exam tasks for all 4 Papers of the exam
.Useful Glossary for the Reading Paper & Vocabulary Development Exercises before each Test
․QR Codes for each part of the Listening paper, Answer Key and Audioscripts
․聽、說、讀、寫 完整訓練
․書本內頁包含音檔 QR Code,手機一掃即可聆聽
隨書包含 :
․QR Code解答
․QR Code音檔
․QR Code聽力文字稿
Vocabulary Success B1 (PET for Schools) - Student's Book
(Self-Study Edition w/Ans+QR Code Audio)
Key Features :
․Full-colour pictures for all the Key Words in this book.
․There is a definition (in easy to understand language) for each Key Word.
An example sentence that helps students see how the words are used in English.
․Vocabulary Exercises follow each set of 20 Key Words.
These exercises help students learn the words even better.
․To be familiar with the format of all the Reading Paper tasks
( part 1, part 2 and part 3 ), there is one exam reading task.
․精選 CEFE B1 高頻率400個單字
․每單元皆包含聽力發音QR Code 及字彙練習題