Ready for PET
Ready for PET is a motivating short course for all students preparing to take the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. With its clear and thorough approach to all the tasks found in the exam, Ready for PET will help students develop the confidence and skills required to be successful in this test. Ideal for students of all ages, Ready for PET consolidates students’ knowledge of language relevant to the exam and their ability to use it communicatively. It can be used with a general language course or on its own for intensive exam preparation.
The accompanying CD – ROM has 6 practice tests to help students prepare for CBPET. Sample answers for the writing tasks are included as well as the complete listening script.
Ready for PET是套為考Cambridge Preliminary English Test的學習者所準備的具啟發性短期課程,它清楚且完整的呈現出試卷中的問題,能幫同學建立好信心及應考技巧,以在考試中獲得高分。此書適合各年齡的學生,強化考試中的相關知識,也藉此能力運用在平時的溝通上,所以能將本書做為一套英語課程在運用,也可以特別拿來加強考試的準備。
Key features of the coursebook :
*10 topic – based units.
*Systematic introduction and practice of vocabulary.
*Extra grammar and vocabulary development.
*Help sections giving advice on the skills needed for the PET exam.
*Tips on how to tackle various exam tasks.
*Two complete practice tests.
*Model speaking test.
*Six practice tests on the CD – ROM.
*The with key edition provides a full answer key, listening scripts and sample answers for the writing tasks.
Key features of the Teacher's Book