Smart Phonics! initiates the path to English fluency with a systematic presentation of the alphabet, vowel combinations, and consonant blends. The full-color illustrations and vast assortment of activities in each unit of Smart Phonics allow the learners to develop their reading and writing skills. The fun chants following each unit will engage the learners’ interests while facilitating vocabulary acquisition. The app provides helpful pronunciations of the target letters and sounds, as well as activating computer-based learning skills.
- Easy and fun stories to review new sounds, letters, and words
- Activities to build listening, reading, and writing skills
- Fun rhyming chants following each unit for additional exposure
- Review units that include fun puzzles to solidify learning
- Words: Using letter-pictures and sound patterns to associate target sounds and words.
- Sound: Learning target sounds and words through various activities.
- Story: Funny stories help learners be more confident with reading.
- Chant: Rhyming chants that are made up of target words help children interest the connection between sounds and letters.
- Games: Learners have chances to review through various activities and puzzles.
經由系統性的規劃,Smart Phonics! 以字母、結合韻及結合音等觀念循序漸進,為學童開啟發音課程的大門。全彩的插畫結合多元豐富的活動,本系列書籍每個單元都能夠有效的加強孩童的閱讀與寫作能力。有趣的唱跳不僅能讓學童對學習產生興趣,更能讓學童不知不覺的建構字彙庫。周邊教材—app將為學童在發音與學習目標上帶來效益,並活化學童的學習技巧。
- 簡單有趣的故事幫助學童複習新學的發音、字母以及生字
- 多元活動為學童打造聽力、閱讀、寫作技巧
- 有趣的聲韻詩歌讓學童在每個單元後有額外的收穫
- 複習單元含有趣味謎題鞏固學生學校的知識
- 單字: 讓學童匯集字母插畫及發音模型等提示,唸出正確的發音及單字。
- 聲韻: 經由多元化的活動幫助學童學習正確的發音和單字。
- 故事: 生動有趣的故事幫助學童在閱讀上建立自信。
- 詩歌: 以學習目標撰寫的韻文將讓學生對字母與發音之間的關係產生濃厚興趣。
- 遊戲: 學生以各式各樣的活動與題目複習並熟練所學。