National Geographic Global Issues
- Information text for senior high English courses, including social studies, science, and language arts classes.
- Fascinating topics with world map and exquisite pictures, may you a wonderful experience.
- Nonfiction reading on current issues and three reading levels (blue/orange/green) to reach every student.
- Cultivate students' writing skill and make their writing modes and capability meet Common Core Standard in America.
- With test paper for each issue, the materials can improve students’ capability of comprehension.
- 適用於中學的英文課程,內容涵蓋自然科學、社會、文學等。
- 引人入勝的主題,結合世界地圖與精美豐富的照片,給您一個視覺上的享受。
- 真實事例彙整成最新時事的文章,三種版本對照不同程度學生的需求。
- 培養中學生的寫作技巧,使其達到美國教育共同核心英文寫作的標準。
- 每冊均附有一份測驗卷,增強學生閱讀理解能力。
According to most scientists, Earth’s atmosphere has warmed by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 100 years. The result has been melting glaciers, rising see levels, and more extreme weather events. Some people say that current climate change is part of the natural cycle of changes on Earth. Many scientists, however, think that Earth’s climate is changing because of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Climate Change examines how countries around the world are taking steps, such as conservation, to lessen the effects of climate change.
多數科學家表示,過去一百年以來,地球的大氣層幾近暖化華式1.4度,造就目前冰河融化、海平面上升等其他更多極端氣候事件。有些人說目前的氣候變遷只是地球生態循環的一部分,然而許多科學家表示,地球氣候的變遷起因於大氣層中持續增加的溫室氣體。本檢視了每一個國家如何因應並減緩氣候變遷所帶來的影響,例如: 生態保育。