YOUR WORLD A First Encyclopedia
Your World is bursting with information on the subjects that fascinate children, all brought to life with stunning illustrations. It has a simplicity and directness that is unmatched by other information books for very young readers. Arranged thematically, and with lots of interactive activities for children to try out, it is accessible and appealing, and guaranteed to provide the very strongest foundation of learning essential for every child.
Your World這本書裡涵蓋所有吸引小孩的題材,所有內容都結合生動精美的插圖。對初學英文的孩子來說,Your World這本書提供最直接且易學的內容,是其他工具書無法比擬的。本書按主題編排,搭配許多有趣的互動活動,有趣的課程設計讓孩子更容易學習,且保證能提供每個孩子在學習英文上建立強建穩固的基礎。
*Easy – to – use thematic arrangement
*Over 800 full – colour illustrations
*Clear, lively text
*Simple “join - in” activities throughout the book
“一起來玩吧!” 搭配課程的活動設計