Laser B1+
A lively, motivating and interesting B1+ level book specifically designed with teenagers in mind, Laser B1+ provides comprehensive coverage of the grammar, vocabulary and skills required at B1+ level as well as focusing regularly on exam-type tasks.
這是本B1+等級的書、內容生動、有趣且深具啟發性,專門為青少年及成人所設計。Laser B1+提供全面性的文法及單字技巧,當然考試的方向也是一大重點。
*Twelve interesting and engaging topic-based units.
*Lexical and grammatical syllabus based on the B2 level of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference.
*Comprehensive coverage and development of core reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
*Wordpower! and Work it Out! features supporting vocabulary resentations, topic-based vocabulary, collocations, phrasal verbs and word formation.
*Have your say! features providing plenty of pooprtunities for personalisation.
*Regular exam practice and Exam Expert features to support exam-focused learning.
*Check your progress! units after every two units, to review and consolicate learning.
*Six detailed and structured writing planners, including space for student’s own note.
*Twelve Webquests to encourage students to undertake internet research around relevant topics.
*Comprehensive databases covering grammar, word patterns, speaking and writing for revelant topics.
*Further speaking, listening and reading practice in the Workbook
*A page-faithful Digibook version of the Student’s Book.
*Student’s CD-ROM with unit-specific exercises to reinforce the grammar and lexical material.
*Teacher’s DVD-ROM with unit and term tests as well as a final test and an PET Practice Test, a Test Generator and a series of teacher support videos.
*詞彙及語法的教學大綱是參考the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference
*在單元Wordpower及Work it Out裡,主要特色為單元主題的生字介紹、搭配詞以及動詞片語和字彙組成
*在單元Have your say裡,提供了很多自主思考及回答的機會
*每兩個主題單元後,會有Check your progress的單元,以複習及強化學習