My First Grammar is a new series for young English learners. Using a fun and easy approach to grammar, My First Grammar strives to build a solid foundation for English language learning.Students studying with My First Grammar will be presented with a guided set of tools to achieve their own mastery of English grammar. Providing easy to understand lessons and enjoyable activities, My First Grammar enables students to maintain a feeling of success from beginning to end.
My First Grammar是一套專門設計給兒童使用的英文教材,使用淺顯易懂且有趣的方式教授文法,讓兒童奠定穩固的文法基礎。使用本套書的學生能夠透過本書豐富的內容,以輕鬆的方式學習到正確的文法觀念,本書內部也有非常多易懂有趣的活動、練習,能讓學生對自己的學習成果充滿自信。
Key Features
1.American English.
2.Six Units of Easy and Concise Grammar Targets.
3.Spiral Syllabus.
4.Learner-Centered Activities.
5.Illustrations and Real Photosto Help Learners Use Visualization Skills.
6.Games, Fun Activities or Comics at the End of Each Unit.
7.Cumulative Quizzes at the Beginning of Each Lesson.
8.Two Sets of Complete Progress Tests.
1. 使用美式英語
2. 共有六單元,內容與教授目標簡潔並淺顯易懂
3. 採用螺旋式教學大綱
4. 以學習者為中心的各式活動
5. 含有大量插圖與真實照片,訓練學習者的視覺判斷技巧
6. 每單元結束時都有遊戲、漫畫與其他有趣的活動
7. 每課開始時都有測驗
8. 含有兩套完整的進度測驗
1. Student Book 1 2 3
2. Workbook 1 2 3
3. Teacher’s Manual 1 2 3
1. 學生課本 1 2 3
2. 學生習作本 1 2 3
3. 教師手冊 1 2 3