Guided Writing helps beginner and lower intermediate students to develop writing and creative thinking skills. It is a three-level unique writing program with concise and easy tips to follow.
Key Features:
*Each unit is organized with four different sections that present and practice keywords, short sentences, dialogs, and paragraphs.
*Each unit provides writing samples and strategies in relevance with specific topic.
*Grammar and writing tips are presented in various situations and tasks including tables, charts, mind-maps, interviews and problem-solving activities.
For Elementary Level
Guided Writing 1
Guided Writing 2
Guided Writing 3
Teacher’s Guide
Guided Writing這套書籍有助於英文初學者以及英文程度中等的學生,訓練學生如何發展良好的英文寫作技巧,以及訓練學生在撰寫英文作文時的思考能力。這套書籍分成三級程度的英文寫作課程,課本裡面包含簡單又清楚明瞭的寫作技巧可供學生參考。