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i-Start for revised YLE exam from 2018
Student's Book with Self-study Edition
Key Features :
Section 1: 15 lessons on various topics of language practice with Vocabulary and Grammar through activities, and 3 Revision Exercises at the end of lessons.
Section 2: 5 units with short texts , reading , writing and FUN. Vocabulary exercises, ideal for preparation of Cambridge YLE Test.
Section 3: 2 complete Cambridge YLE Starters Practice Tests.
Self-study Edition including:
․Answer Key, MP3 Audio CD
i-START 為英國出版社-Global ELT專為初次參加劍橋兒童英文檢定學習者所設計的教材,課程內容循序漸進,為學童奠定良好基礎並建立自信。
第 1 部分:通過活動進行單字和文法語言練習的的15個主題式課程,以及課程結束時的3個複習練習
第 2 部分:5個包括短文、閱讀、寫作的趣味單元。 適合準備劍橋YLE考試的詞彙練習
第 3 部分:2回合完整的劍橋 YLE Starters模擬試題。
隨書包含 :
․MP3 Audio CD
Writing Success (Pre-A1) - Student's Book + Workbook (w/QR Code Ans)
Key Features :
․Focusing on phrases and very short sentences.
․Based on twelve different topics, this easy-to-follow book focuses on the letter level, building confidence to start writing words in English.
․Colorful illustrations to support understanding
․Separate vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and writing practice
․The end of every unit (Games & Puzzles) provides a fun review activity
․Students listen to the audio pronunciation of the words and they practise tracing the words to gain visual familiarity with the pattern of the letters.
Appendix :
․Alphabet Practice
․My Dictionary
․Grammar Notes
․本書特色 : 學習單字詞組到小短句的書寫,非常適合初期學習者使用
․活動小遊戲設計: 迷宮、連連看、拼圖等方式增加學習趣味