Use of English B2 for all exams
Use of English B2 for the FCE Examination and other Exams is intended for B2 level students. It systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and prepares students thoroughly for all exams.
This book is divided into 15 units, followed by a Final FCE Test.
The reference section at the end of the book includes an overview of English Grammar, vocabulary notes with definitions of easily confused words, exam tips and three appendices.
根據英國劍橋英檢 FCE & FCE FOR SCHOOLS 的文法測驗單元 Use of English 試題型式出題,內容文法及單字範圍皆能應付任何B2 Level 的國際英檢考試。
台灣學生不太熟悉的collocation/ Expressions、容易混淆的單字以及字形變化等等,皆能透過這本書籍大量演練增加熟悉度,建構起更穩健的文法基礎。書籍共有15個單元,而附檔更提供相關字彙/文法的比較整理,考試技巧分析,協助考生在國際英檢考試上高分過關。