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Cambridge PET Practice Tests have been designed to familiarise students with the 2020 test format of the Cambridge English: Key for Schools examinations as well as to expand their vocabulary and to improve the skills required to pass these examinations.
Cambridge PET for Schools Practice Tests contain:
• six complete practice tests.
• a full introduction to the examination.
• exam technique sections advising students on how to approach each part of the examination to score maximum points.
Key Features :
․Focusing on emails, articles, stories, essays and reviews
․Themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary
․Realistic topics and everyday themes
․Colourful illustrations to support understanding
․Separate vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and writing practice
Activity Types :
․Picture description with subject prompts ․Emails
․Picture-based storytelling ․Invitation writing
․Articles & essays ․Reviews
․Students' own experiences or opinions
․Description of a situation that requires writing suggestions or excuses
Components :
․Student`s Book (Self-study Edition)
․Teacher`s Book
Writing Success A2+ to B1
․學習Email 、文章、故事、論文及評論的撰寫
․主題從社會議題出發: Art and Culture、Studying History 到 Using Technology 等等
․進階 mind map 組織圖引導寫作,更具體化文章活潑度
․書本內頁包含音檔 QR Code,培養故事聆聽並擷取重點的能力
․習作本 (共12單元)