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Grammar Practice 4 - Student's Book (w/CD,QR Code模擬試題&Ans)
Grammar Practice is a series of four books developed to help primary learners build a strong foundation for grammar accuracy. This series can be used by teachers in the classroom or by tutors teaching a small group of students.
Each unit addresses an aspect of grammar and consists of the following:
• clear explanation of grammar points;
• meaningful examples of the grammar points used in sentences;
• grammar practice and review questions; and
• a speaking activity that allows students to apply what they learned;
• an exercise on constructing sentences;
• a checklist for vocabulary and grammar
Grammar Practice 是一系列四本的文法書,依照文法主題分類,特別為雙語班小學銜接國中英文文法課程而設計。每單元包含文法重點解析、例句、文法練習、閱讀練習、字彙和文法測驗,另含聽力CD。
Macmillan Grammar Worksheets-Student's Book