Reading Comprehension
This series of six books is designed to help lower primary students develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills the fun way.
Each unit begins with the presentation of New Words and an engaging pre-reading activity. These two sections prepare students for the main Reading text - an interesting story or poem. The reading text is followed by practice exercises on vocabulary, grammar and comprehension. The unit ends in a lively way through a creative Word Game.
Reading Comprehension 1-6是一套國外進口的全彩原文閱讀教材,共有六冊,每冊15個單元,附有QR Code音檔,學童可利用音檔練習正確的咬字和發音並培養聽力技巧;是一套全方位英文初階核心能力教材並適用於任何年級的國小學童。本系列教材多元而完善,不僅課文內容生活化,且色彩鮮豔的圖片更能成功抓住孩子的目光;豐富而多樣的題材,在培養學童自我思辨與理解能力的同時,亦訓練其腦力激盪與反芻閱讀的技巧,使學童能自己回到短文中反覆閱讀,從中尋找答案;幫助學童在起初學習英文的起跑點上,輕鬆建立良好的英文基礎並鞏固英文能力。
- 每冊單字由淺入深,全套教材相較於國小升國中(12年國教)的1200單字到將近2000個單字。
- 第一部份
New Words (以圖片及例句引導學生吸收單字)
Reading (不同型式的閱讀文章,帶出每課的重點文法語單字)
Words in the Story (反覆式的教學,幫助學生加深生字與文法印象)
Grammar in the Story (文法重點整理)
Reading Review (讀後完成選擇題,測試自己對文章的理解程度)