i-Fly for revised YLE exam from 2018
Student's Book with Self-study Edition
Key Features :
Section 1: 11 lessons on various topics of language practice with Vocabulary and Grammar through activities, and 3 Revision Exercises at the end of lessons.
Section 2: 15 units with short texts , reading , writing and FUN. Vocabulary exercises, ideal for preparation of Cambridge YLE Test.
Section 3: 2 complete Cambridge YLE Flyers Practice Tests.
Self-study Edition including:
․Answer Key, MP3 Audio CD
․Student`s Book (Self-study Edition)
․Teacher`s Book
i-FLY 為英國出版社-Global ELT專為參加劍橋兒童英文檢定學習者所設計的教材,課程內容循序漸進,為學童奠定良好基礎並建立自信。
第 1 部分:通過活動進行單字和文法語言練習的的11個主題式課程,以及課程結束時的3個複習練習
第 2 部分:15個包括短文、閱讀、寫作的趣味單元。 適合準備劍橋YLE考試的詞彙練習
第 3 部分:2回合完整的劍橋 YLE Flyers模擬試題。
隨書包含 :
․MP3 Audio CD
ISBN : 9781781645321