Succeed in IELTS Writing & Vocabulary
Key Features
- Succeed in IELTS: Writing offers step-by-step guidance through the different writing tasks, by showing students how to organise and structure correctly an answer for some types of the Academic task 1 and 2 questions, as well as the letter writing task in the General Training module.
- 1和2的問題,以及一般訓練的書信寫作,一步步指導考生進行寫作測驗。
- The book contains model essays in each unit, for candidates to understand exactly what is required.
- 為了讓考生知道答題重點,本書在每個單元附上答題案例
- Emphasis is also given to Grammar and Vocabulary so that each candidate’s writing can be original, accurate, interesting and IELTS exam-appropriate.
- 本書也強調文法和單字,所以每位考生的寫作都能符合原創、正確、有趣且適合雅思測驗
- Ideal for both classroom study and self-study
- 適用於課堂學習或自學
- Self-Study Edition available, including the Self-Study Guide.
- 提供自學版,內附自學指南