Succeed in IELTS 9 Practice Tests
9 complete IELTS Academic Practice Tests
9 回完整雅思學術模擬試題
- Full-colour IELTS Academic Exam Guide analysing all four sections of the exam: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
- 全彩的雅思學術測驗指南(含聽、說、讀、寫四大部分),指導你如何答題
Self-study Edition: a comprehensive guide including:
- a Writing Supplement with model Compositions marked according to IELTS guidelines
- detailed JUSTIFICATION of the Answers for all the key parts of each practice test
- Audioscripts & Key
- 寫作模擬試題並附答案範例
- 測驗解析
- 音檔逐字稿及答案