Special Edition for Exam
Global ELT 英檢專用字典系列
-English IDIOMS Dictionary-
- 相較於仿間其他相關用書,本書著重於日常對話的慣用語
- 適用於所有英語人士,特別是針對那些非英文母語的學生
- 透過本書,學生除了能夠對這些日常用語更加熟悉外,更能藉此提升聽說讀寫各方面的理解能力
- 利用各種應用情況來做分類,透過目錄,讀者將一目了然並能參照最精準的用法
- 當中還特別包含了200句商業慣用語,有利讀者更廣泛的應用。
- 適用於各種證照考試,包含托福、雅思、多益等。
Key Features
Idioms are fairly fixed phrases that consist of more than one word, with a meaning that cannot be understood from prtting together the meanings of the individual words. But this dictionary of approximately 2,000 idioms is different from other dictionaries of idioms. Such dictionaries often try to give a complete list of all idioms; in this book we have concentrated on phrases that are used in certain conversational situations. Clear examples are How do you do? when greeting, Well I never! when you are surprised, and sayings such as Great minds think alike and Wonders will never cease.
This book will be found useful by all speakers of English. Students learning English as a second or foreign language, especially, will find help here that is just not included in other reference books; so this dictionary will increase the understanding of what has been heard and will also develop a proficiency in using idioms. The index brings an additional benefit: by consulting the list of subjects, the user is referred to appropriate phrases.
The inclusion of 200 of the most common Business Idioms also reflects the need for English language used in everyday business context. Also, it’s ideal for learners of English preparing for exams: IELTS, TOEIC, BULATS, TOEFL, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE.