Special Edition for Exam
Global ELT 英檢專用字典系列
-Dictionary of Synonyms-
- 靈活運用同義字,增進寫作技巧
- 不僅列出相關同義字,更逐字做更深的定義並透過例句來分析其運用在語法上的差異
- 適用於各種證照考試,包含托福、雅思、多益等。
Key fetures:
Learners of English may sometimes find it difficult to know which word to use in a particular context. Or they may have used a particular word several times already in what they are writing, and so they want to use a different expression; especially when you need to paraphrase.
Oridinary Thesauruses or dictionaries of synonyms are not as helpful as they might first appear: to read a list of synonoyms for a certain word is helpful only as far as it goes. This dictionary, however, goes beyond a mere listing of words with a similar meaning and helps distinguish them. The differences between similar words are shown by giving each one a definition and an example.
The definitions are intended to show the various shades of meaning of the group of synonyms. The examples show the context in which a word is used and which other words typically occur with each synonym.
Also, it’s ideal for learners of English preparing for exams: IELTS, TOEIC, BULATS, TOEFL, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE.