Special Edition for Exam
Global ELT 英檢專用字典系列
-Phrasal and Verbs Dictionary-
- 為讀者挑選出超過2,500實用的精選片語動詞
- 本字典發展出一套符號系統,提供讀者清晰且一目了然的片語使用方法
- 有清楚的定義以及生活化的例子
- 特選出120個最常見的片語動詞,並附上練習題,幫助讀者熟悉如何運用
- 字典大小適中、易於攜帶
- Global ELT考官聯合出版,此參考書適用於在準備各種國際英文證照的考生
Key Features
- Over 2,500 entries are included, carefully chosen as being the most frequent and most useful for learners.
- This dictionary cantains a simple notation so that learners can see at a glance how phrasal verbs are used – no complicated coding systems here!
- It has clear, accurate definitons and lively examples that reflect nature English usage.
- Section with 120 very common Phrasal Verbs, followed by exercises, help learners learn how to recognise and also use the Phrasal Verbs they learn.
- Compact-sized and easy to carry dictionary.
- Ideal for learners of English preparing for exams: IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, BULATS, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, etc.