More School Subject Readings
More School Subject Readings is a three-book series designed to engage and assist intermediate to high-intermediate students who are developing their reading fluency in English. This series is designed to incorporate the important features of a North American textbook. Each book contains diverse reading forms including fictional and non-fictional stories, journal, diary entries, autobiographies and more. In additional, the broad range of topics covered appeal to students of diverse interests. Students will learn from a broad scope of genres such as language arts, science, history, travel, geography, fantasy, and social studies. This range of reading material will aid students in learning essential comprehension strategies and skills. Each reading passage is accompanied by key vocabulary words and a variety of exercises that aid in understanding and comprehending the English language. Moreover, each book employs research based skills that target key areas in which students need extra help. Through the gradual progression of grammar, vocabulary, and passage length in each book, More School Subject Readings series ensures that students will acquire active reading comprehension skills necessary for their future.
*Pre-reading questions designed to actively engage readers.
*Key vocabulary accompanied by definitions.
*Reading passages throughout each level that get progressively longer and more difficult.
*Reading and vocabulary comprehension questions which include puzzles, categorizing and sequencing exercises.
*Unit summaries that reinforce comprehension and writing skills.
*Full-color photographs that help students relate to the content.
More School Subject Reading是一套共分有三冊的系列教材,為想增進英語閱讀能力的英語學習者所設計。每冊書都含有相當多且豐富的閱讀題材,包含許多的故事、日記與自傳等等。除此之外,眾多且廣泛的閱讀題材能夠滿足許多擁有不同興趣學生的求知慾。學生將會從語言、自然科學、科技、旅遊、地理、科幻與社會等各種領域學習到廣泛的知識。如此豐富的閱讀題材,能幫助學生學習到實用的英文。每篇閱讀文章都有標註關鍵的單字,以及提供多種不同的練習題,協助學生真正理解英文。除此之外,本書也附有許多題解說明,專門幫助學生解決一些較容易搞混的地方。透過循序漸進的文法、單字難度提升,與文章字數的增加,More School Subject Readings這系列套書能夠確保學生能學習到得以在未來活用且必要的英語閱讀技巧。