Reading Town
Reading Town is a three-book reading series for low-intermediate, teenager learners of English. It features interesting, informative reading passages on a variety of topics, such as animals, technology, sports, the environment, and the arts. In each book, carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of activities. By completing these exercises, students will gain the academic reading skills and English vocabulary needed to successes at higher levels. The ultimate goal of the Reading Town series is to assist students to become independent readers.
*High interest passages on a variety of topics.
*Effective reading skill activities to practice academic reading.
*Cumulative vocabulary practice.
*A systematic lesson process.
*Colorful photographs and illustrations to motivate students.
*Accompanying audio recordings.
Reading Town是一系列共三冊的閱讀書籍,專門為初中階英文閱讀者所設計。本套書包含許多有趣且具有知識性的閱讀文章題材。這些題材含括動物、科技、體育、環境以及藝術等。在每本書中,都會有許多不同種類的活動與練習,搭配閱讀文章做練習。學生在完成這些練習後,將會擁有更佳的閱讀能力,以及學習到更多的單字,幫助學生往更高階的英文能力邁進。本套書的目的在於輔助學生能夠獨立的自行完成閱讀。
◆ 高趣味性及知識性豐富的主題。
◆ 有效的閱讀技巧活動來練習學術閱讀能力。
◆ 累積漸進式的字彙練習。
◆ 色彩豐富的照片及插圖激發學生的學習興趣。
◆ 隨書附贈課文朗讀CD