English World Book 2
Dictionary 2
English World is the first-ever integrated ten-level print and digital English course for primary and secondary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world through dialogues and cross-curricular material. Independent learning is promoted through portfolios, projects and the use of the dictionaries.
The visually stunning printed resources are complemented by electronic materials for use with an Interactive Whiteboard and videos of all dialogues using native-speaker students in context, together with a complete teacher training package with video masterclasses. Other features include a test builder, animated posters, interactive phonics activities and singalong versions of songs.
English World 為以英式發音為主的國外原文進口教材,全套共十冊,每冊分為12個Unit,適用於小學學童至國中。此套教材結合了紙本與數位媒體;每本主教材各搭配2片CD和1本作業本,另外有獨立文法課本及字彙整理字典。每個單元皆由主題情境引導學生進入學習,包含單字、文法、發音與閱讀理解,對學生打下良好的文法基礎有相當程度的幫助。
Key Feature:
- Combined with spiral teaching method and repeated teaching method, the material makes students learn step by step.
- Cross-curricular materials for not only learning language but also learning knoweldge.
- Multiple interactive activities, such as singing, game, poem, etc.
- Teacher’s DVD-ROM with complete teacher training package and interactive activities for IWB.
- The content of grammar and sentence pattern corresponds to Cambridge YLE Test.
- 融合螺旋式教學法與重複式教學法,循序漸進並增加練習機會。
- 跨知識面和語言結合的學習規劃。(Cross-curricular materials)
- 多元活動配合教學,包含歌唱、遊戲、韻文詩歌…等。
- 搭配電子白板與豐富完整的周邊教師資源。
- 配合劍橋兒童英檢YLE程度。
English World 教學重點與劍橋英檢對照表 |
冊數 |
教學重點 |
1 |
詢問姓名、年齡、單複數名詞、Can用法、There is/There are 、現在進行式、介係詞 |
Starters |
2 |
現在簡單式、所有格、過去簡單式、詢問時間、時間副詞 |
3 |
過去簡單式、比較級、最高級、未來式、some/any 、所有格代名詞、日期說法 |
Movers |
4 |
過去簡單式、過去進行式、When/While、未來式、現在完成式、must、should用法、條件子句、關係子句 |
5 |
被動語態、不定詞、現在完成式、used to用法、關係子句、條件子句、轉述句 |
Flyers |
6 |
過去完成式、現在完成進行式、未來被動式、反身代名詞、關係代名詞 |
Flyers/KET for Schools |
7 |
現在簡單式、過去簡單/進行式、未來式、現在完成式、比較語態、冠詞、假設語態、被動語態、現在簡單/進行完成式、轉述語態 |
A2(英檢初級) KET初級(基礎級-Way stage) |
8 |
容詞的排列順序、過去完成/完成進行式、轉述語態、時間副詞子句、代名詞、間接問句、過去完成被動/進行被動語態、未來進行式、either/or ; neither/or |
B1(英檢中級) PET中級(進階級-Threshold) |
9 |
被動語態、轉述語態、分詞構句、be able to、未來完成式 |
10 |
強調語態、倒裝句、副詞子句、未來完成進行式、使役動詞、stop + to V./Ving.、轉述語態 |
B2(英檢中高級) FCE中高級(高階級-Vantage) |
Example (範例):