IELTS Testbuider 2
with answer key
IELTS Testbuilder 2 is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the International Language Testing System (IELTS). This book is suitable for all students at IELTS Band 4.5 and above.
IELTS Testbuilder 2 是一本專門設計來提升IELTS考試成績與語言競爭力的考試用書。這本書適合IELTS總成績4.5級以上的考生使用。
Four completely new practice tests
1. Clear introduction to IELTS.
2. Full range of IELTS task types.
3. Reading and Writing Tests are for the academic module.
1. 對IELTS的完整介紹
2. 包含全面及完整的IELTS考試題型
3. 閱讀及寫作測驗完全適合考試使用
Further Practice and Guidance pages
1. Test-specific exercises to develop exam techniques.
2. Focus on common problems areas in the tests.
3. Builds confidence in all exam question types.
4. Useful languages and ideas for the Speaking Test.
5. Guided analysis of model Writing Task answers.
1. 針對提升考試技巧所設計的特別題型
2. 聚焦在考試容易出錯的的地方
3. 讓考生能夠在面對任何題型時都有信心
4. 口說測驗包含了許多對考生有幫助的口說技巧與想法
5. 寫作測驗的答案能夠引導考生養成正確的寫作習慣
Answer key
1. Complete answer key with useful explanations.
2. Authentic student writing answers with examiner comments.
3. Includes listening scripts.
1. 解釋完整的考試解答
2. 包含主考官意見的官方考生寫作解答
3. 提供聽力測驗原稿
Accompanying audio CDs contain all four Listening Tests.