Our Discovery Island
Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary English series that engages children in 21st century learning. Inspire every one of your students to learn English!
Our Discovery Island is a modern and versatile course for the first stage of education. Takes children on a wonderful adventure into the world of fairy islands, where students encounter unusual characters, learn the fascinating stories, solve puzzles for little explorers, and at the same time learning English.
Our Discovery Island是教育的第一階段中一個現代和多用途的課程。帶領孩子們冒險進入奇幻島中,遇到奇異的人物、學習迷人的故事,為小探險家們解決難題,並同時學習英語。
Family Island
Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six – level primary English series that engages children in 21st century learning. Inspire every one of tour studrnts to learn English!
歡迎來到Our Discovery Island, 這是一套分成六個級數,適合21世紀的小學孩童學習英文的書,本書的設計和內容激發每個英文學習者對學英文的興趣。
Our Discovery Island…
*Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner.
*Teaches: Links to daily life through cross – curricular connections and authentic texts immerse students in English.
*Get Results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate and make learning English more exciting than ever before!
Our Discovery Island 2 配套:
Student’s Book ( w/CD – ROM ) - $450
Workbook ( w/CD ) - $250
Audio CD - $250