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Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools 8回合模擬試題 (Revised EXAM From 2020 )
Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools contains 8 full practice tests for the 2020 revised B1 Preliminary for Schools qualification. The first two tests also include stepby- step guidance on how to tackle each paper, including useful tips for candidates ensuring exam success.
The audio tracks of the Listening Papers are downloadable through the ELI LINK app. Students can also download the audio tracks from the Publisher’s website.
Key Features :
․Focusing on emails, articles, stories, essays and reviews
․Themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary
․Realistic topics and everyday themes
․Colourful illustrations to support understanding
․Separate vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and writing practice
Activity Types :
․Picture description with subject prompts ․Emails
․Picture-based storytelling ․Invitation writing
․Articles & essays ․Reviews
․Students' own experiences or opinions
․Description of a situation that requires writing suggestions or excuses
Components :
․Student`s Book (Self-study Edition)
․Teacher`s Book
Writing Success A2+ to B1
․學習Email 、文章、故事、論文及評論的撰寫
․主題從社會議題出發: Art and Culture、Studying History 到 Using Technology 等等
․進階 mind map 組織圖引導寫作,更具體化文章活潑度
․書本內頁包含音檔 QR Code,培養故事聆聽並擷取重點的能力
․習作本 (共12單元)